Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Valsad mango online

Season 2023 started now

We have started late due natural circumstances but it will not end soon. Start ordering mangoes online. 

Fill this form to place the order https://forms.gle/JzMULoQL9r1fuVg8A 

We started 10th successful season of Valsad mangoes. Place your order as soon as possible. 

Our delivery is started in all the big cities (Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Lucknow, Delhi and many more) in India.

As all of you are aware of it that our mangoes will available for very short period of time, Enjoy delicious Kesar/Hapoos mangoes as soon as possible till stocks last.


  Here we have some information about mango and availability.

          As anyone who's tasted an mango knows, its short season, from now until the end of June, is a major cause for celebration. Often making an appearance on "1,000 things to eat before you die"-type lists, this Indian variety has become more and     more popular in the world.

     There are over 1,000 different varieties of mangoes, but a few varieties, such as the Alphonso, Kesar and Badami - all native to India - are different from the rest. The mango season only lasts a few weeks. To eat as many mangoes as possible in such a short time, the only option is to put mango into every dish you eat. That's why Indians make mango chutney, mango salads, mango kulfi (Indian ice cream), and mango lassi (a yoghurt drink). They dry mango, put it in curries, stuff it into bread. But best of all is the plain mango.

  Why Valsad's ( In Gujarat) mango more famous than other ?

      India occupies second position throughout the world by producing 49.8 million tones of fruits next to China with 11% share in world’s total fruit production. Among the top ten mangoes producing countries India ranks first with the highest share of 44 percent to world production of mango. In India Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Maharashtra, and Gujarat are the important mango producing states. In Gujarat mangoes are mainly produced in eight districts which cover about 83.00 percent of state mango production amongst which Valsad district, the south eastern part of the state possesses the highest area under mango cultivation.

        The best Alphonso mangoes get produce geographically in the area within 20 k.m. from sea. Valsad is only about 5-10 km area from Arabian sea (Tithal beach). Valsad mango business is very old and running from over 5o years and more over than. So it's demand increasing day by day.

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We will reach you as soon as possible.
Thank you. 


  1. I love valsadi Mangoes! Thanx for sharing such great info! :)

  2. Wow it's just awesome taste of valsad mango guys.. I have just tried today.

  3. Wow it's just awesome taste of valsad mango guys.. I have just tried today.

  4. I love mangoes especially valsadi mangoes so this post was just pleasure to read. Food freaks interested in buyong them can check Hafoos.com they are affordable than supermarkets & grocers out there.

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